Winter 2016
Employee Assistance Newsletter Spring 2015
EMDR: Effective Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Patsy De Courcy-Ireland, M.S.W., RSW

Money is ENERGY! It’s your ‘Work’ Energy exchagne For ‘Paycheques’ money!

Sandra Valks, CLU, DTM

Workplace Conflict

Gail Lynch, BPE, HRMC

Welcome to our Winter 2016 Newsletter. Your employer, along with other proactive companies and organizations, is focusing on the well being of employees and the organization by providing an employee assistance program for personal, family, and work related issues. In this issue we have articles about Workplace Conflict, Treatment of PTSD, and Money Management.
If you or a family member is struggling with a relationship issue; feeling anxious, depressed or stressed; trying to get along better with a co-worker; experiencing grief, loss or bereavement; or concerned about a child’s behaviour your Employee Assistance Program can help. If you have any questions about your EAP or about who might be best to help address your specific issues feel free to discuss his with our reception at any time.

Virginia Palmer, Clinical Coordinator

EMDR: Effective Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Patsy De Courcy-Ireland, M.S.W., RSW

Post traumatic stress disorder
It has not been that long since talk therapy was the only option for therapeutic intervention in mental health issues. In the late eighties, early nineties, some other methods were discovered, that anecdotally seemed to show great promise, and now scientific studies have validated their efficacy. One of those is EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Discovered by Francine Shapiro, EMDR technique relies on bilateral stimulation, while the patient/client is focusing on the traumatic event. There has also been a major growth in understanding the brain and how it works, which in turn has helped explain the relevant aspects of these new methods.
Bilateral stimulation, making sure both sides of the brain are engaged, is the important part of the formula. This is done through eye movements, or listening to sounds in alternate ears, or feeling touch on alternate sides, such as the hands or knees. There is a three-pronged approach to EMDR that focuses initially on the distressing event, then to the current circumstances that trigger repeated reactions, and lastly involves a future focus to enable the client to skillfully adapt to new situations. I had one client who processed a date rape. Lets call her Annette. Annette was in her forties, and now that she had finished having
Qxplore employee assistance program
children, was becoming uninterested in any intimate relations with her husband. In explaining her problem, she casually mentioned this date rape. We started looking at this more closely, and then used EMDR to process it. Annette was amazed at how much she had repressed of the experience, and equally amazed at how easily it came up when we were doing the eye movement stimulation. Her feelings of disgust and revulsion were prominent, as were the feelings that it must have been her fault, and she should have been more proactive in trying to stop it. During the process Annette realized that she had protected herself and made her own safety a priority. After just one session, she felt ‘lighter’ and more like laughing. At her next session she said she felt closer to her husband and that they were ‘getting along better than ever’. Working through her feelings of disgust and guilt, was all it took to get her back on track. Another client came seeking help after hitting a deer. He was driving at dusk, and saw a deer come out of the trees and slowed down, but not enough to avoid hitting the third one! No-one in the car was injured, but the deer was killed. There was also considerable damage to the car. The police took 45 minutes to come, by which time he had determined that he could drive the car home, and take it to a collision repair place in the morning. He said the policeman was very comforting and efficient, and the one thing that stuck in his mind was that he was asked if he would like the carcass of the deer. Somewhat horrified, he said no, at which point the policeman told him that was OK and it would be gone in the morning as someone would come and take it. He had suffered whiplash, but recovered within a few months with physio and exercises, but now, 12 months later, he was having nightmares, and images of the deer kept intruding into his every activity. We used EMDR to process the memory of the accident, and it turned out that the part of the trauma that he was having most trouble with was his guilt over killing the deer. It took us two sessions to clear this, and he was very relieved. EMDR is a very powerful method for working with traumatic events. Multiple traumas take time as there is so much to process, but even so, it is dramatically faster that simply ‘talk’ therapy. Most clients need at least an hour and a half to process one image of an event, and a course of treatment over one complicated issue takes eight to fifteen sessions. It does not suit all clients, but for those who find it works for them, it becomes a soothing and peaceful practice.

Patsy De Courcy-Ireland, M.S.W is a Registered Social Worker and a Member of the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists. She has been trained in EMDR, Thought Field Therapy, and Traumatic Incident Reduction. Patsy works with individuals of all ages in the areas of trauma, crisis intervention, stress management, and other issues, and provides therapy services through the EAP.


Money is ENERGY! It’s your ‘work’ energy exchanged for ‘paycheques’ money!

Sandra Valks, CLU, DTM

Does your money run out before the end of the month? Feel like you’re on a financial treadmill? You can use your EAP benefit to work through your money woes with our own in-house financial advisor. Are you on edge? Angry? Frustrated? Scared? Taking a sober look at your finances is your first step to solving your money puzzle and taking control of your finances and life. There are choices to be made. Your EAP benefit includes time to work through your financial emotions with our own in-house financial advisor. Now is the time to call for a confidential consultation before money starts affecting your effectiveness at work, home or play.

Sandra Valks is a Chartered Life Underwriter who has been providing financial services since 1982 and who provides Financial Counselling through the Employee Assistance Program

What Kinds of Services are Provided Through the EAP?

Separation Counselling Counselling for Work Issues Grief and Bereavement Counselling Addiction Assessment and Counselling Chronic Pain Management Counselling for Seniors’ Placement Issues Referral Co-ordination Financial Counselling Individual Solution Focused Therapy Marriage and Relationship Counselling Family Therapy Play Therapy Counselling for Child and Adolescent Issues Counselling for Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trauma Debriefing Assertiveness Training Stress Management Family Life Education Weight Management Counselling
Qxplore employee assistance program


Gail Lynch, BPE, HRMC

Workplace Conflict

“A state of discord caused by actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together” — Wikipedia

It has been estimated that managers spend at least 25% of their time resolving workplace conflicts. A recent study done among 9 countries found that on the average staff spend 2.1 hours per week dealing with workplace conflict. That is 1 day per month and a total of 12 days per year! The top causes of workplace conflict are; personality clashes; stress; workload pressures; poor leadership from the top; lack of openness and honesty; poor line management; and lack of clarity or role and accountabilities. Conflict is unavoidable and is a regular part of doing business. Conflict rarely resolves itself, in fact, conflict normally escalates if not dealt with promptly and properly. Unresolved conflict results in lost productivity, increased absenteeism/presenteeism, loss of creativity and barriers to collaboration.

“The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel and misrepresentation” — C. Northcote Parkinson

Handling and resolving workplace conflicts that arise in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges managers and employees face. There are typically two responses to conflict; run away (most often chosen) or battle it out. These responses are rarely if ever effective in resolving the conflict to the satisfaction of all parties involved. There are a number of approaches that can be taken to effectively resolve workplace conflict. Communication, style and approach are dependent on the specifics of the situation and the people involved in the conflict.
Resolution can normally be found if there is a sincere desire to do so. Having difficult conversations is not easy, however, it is essential for healthy and productive workplaces. If you are interested in training on “Having Difficult Conversations” or have a workplace conflict that we can help you with please feel free to contact me at the Qxplore Group office at 613-966-4262 for a complimentary consultation.

Gail Lynch is a Human Resource specialist with over 35 years experience working with 5 different Ministries of the Ontario Government. Her areas of expertise include Mediation and Arbitration, Labour Relations, Health and Safety, Planning, Recruitment, Injury and Illness Management, and Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Prevention.

Did you know…

→Appointments are scheduled at a time that is convenient for you and usually within two to three days?
→No one at your place of employment will know that you have used your EAP unless you tell them?
→Counselling is provided for a broad range of services, including marital and relationship; parenting; stress; separation/divorce trauma; workplace; and personal issues?
→Counsellors can help you access community resources and support groups?
→A comprehensive description of the services provided through your EAP is available through your EAP brochure or on our website at
Qxplore employee assistance program


Are you a worried parent whose child or adolescent is experiencing difficulty with:
*transitioning to college or university?
*not achieving at the expected level?
*Mathematics, Reading, Spelling, or Writing skills?
*paying attention and/or concentrating?
*managing emotions and getting along with others?
A Psychoeducational Assessment by Quinte Assessment and Treatment Group Inc. can identify causes of your child’s problems and recommend what can help.

Donna Boulton, M.Sc., C.Psych.; Shara Highgate., Ph.D., C.Psych.; Eva Mourelatos, M.A.; Shannon Mossip, M.A., C.Psych.; Mohammad Nikkhou, Ph.D., C.Psych.; Anita Ramani, Ph.D. BCBA-D, C.Psych.

Quinte Counselling Services Inc.

208 John Street Belleville, Ontario, K8N 3G1 Tel: 613-966-4262 Fax: 613-966-4265 Toll Free: 1-800-527-7793

Qxplore employee assistance program